
Atul Arvind Joshi

Research Affiliate, Western Ghats

M Sc in Forestry from Forest Research Institute Dehradun

I had a great fortune to learn my first lessons in ecology in the beautiful forests of Western Ghats with NCF. I studied coffee invasion in the Rainforest fragments in Anamalai hills of this landscape for my Master’s dissertation. Later, I studied spatio-temporal and socio-economic aspects of human-wildlife conflicts in the northern Western Ghats. I was also involved in the large mammal abundance monitoring exercise in this region that was carried out in collaboration with the Forest Department. 

I am currently working at National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore. My study looks at the tree-grass dynamics in a fascinating ecosystem known as Shola-grasslands, located at the higher reaches of the Western Ghats. 



Vertebrate species richness in the 395 forest ranges in the Western Ghats

Journal Article


Using interview surveys and multispecies occupancy models to inform vertebrate conservation

Tangles of invasive alien weeds suppressing regeneration at a forest edge

Journal Article


Invasive alien species in relation to edges and forest structure in tropical rainforest fragments of the Western Ghats

Journal Article


Accounting for false positives improves estimates of occupancy from key informant interviews



Tracking Tigers and Leopards

Boundary between rainforest fragment and a coffee estate



Data from: Brewing trouble: coffee invasion in relation to edges and forest structure in tropical rainforest fragments of the Western Ghats, India. Biological Invasions

Boundary between rainforest fragment and a coffee estate

Journal Article


Brewing trouble: coffee invasion in relation to edges and forest structure in tropical rainforest fragments of the Western Ghats, India