
Abhishek Gopal

Research Affiliate, Western Ghats


I am broadly interested in plant-animal interactions, and in ecological restoration. For my MSc dissertation I looked at the role of forest cover and the surrounding landscape matrix in determining frugivory and seed predation of four rainforest tree species. Currently, I am working with NCF’s Western Ghats programme on vegetation dynamics, looking at regeneration in differently managed teak plantations and estimating aboveground biomass of the different forest types in the Anamalai Tiger Reserve. I have a soft spot for Ficus and large old trees. Email:



Seed fates of four rainforest tree species in the fragmented forests of Anamalais in the southern Western Ghats, India

Journal Article


Seed fates of four rainforest tree species in the fragmented forests of Anamalais in the southern Western Ghats, India

Male Malabar Grey Hornbill

Journal Article


Forest cover and fruit crop size differentially influence frugivory of select rainforest tree species in Western Ghats, India

Greater stability of carbon capture in species-rich natural forests compared to species-poor plantations

Journal Article


Greater stability of carbon capture in species-rich natural forests compared to species-poor plantations

Data from: Greater stability of carbon capture in species-rich natural forests compared to species-poor plantations



Data from: Greater stability of carbon capture in species-rich natural forests compared to species-poor plantations