Western Ghats

Fostering eco-friendly plantations

How can one extend conservation into landscapes such as commercial plantations outside protected areas? Conservationists around the world are trying to connect productive agriculture and plantations with markets for products certified as coming from farms that follow sustainable and ecologically-friendly practices.

Retaining remnant forest patches is vital to conserve wildlife in plantation landscape
Fostering better cultivation practices and use of native shade trees in coffee plantation
Making space for wildlife in a plantation landscape
Good working conditions, housing, schools, and welfare are integral to sustainability

For better land-use practices in plantations

Protected areas are cornerstones of conservation, but are  increasingly isolated in landscapes as fragments surrounded by agriculture and other developments. These surrounding landscapes have significant value for conservation, particularly if favourable land-use practices are adopted. Still, fostering such practices in land-uses such as commercial tea and coffee plantations may need the provision of incentives for planters and plantation companies.

To promote better land-use in plantations, NCF joined hands with the Rainforest Alliance and the Sustainable Agriculture Network, leading international non-profits working for sustainability. Plantations that adopted sustainable agricultural practices were linked to markets for certified produce carrying Rainforest Alliance's trademark frog seal. The SAN Sustainable Agriculture Standard, a comprehensive set of standards and criteria that includes natural ecosystems and wildlife conservation, formed the basis for the certification process. NCF worked to include relevant criteria in the SAN Standard, create a dedicated website and visual guide to help planters, and develop detailed local guidelines to assist tea and coffee growers in improving social, environmental, and agronomic practices in plantations in the region.

Also Read: Native shade trees aid bird conservation in tea plantations in southern India

Also Read: Data from: Native shade trees aid bird conservation in tea plantations in southern India

Also Read: Restoring nature: wildlife conservation in landscapes fragmented by plantation crops in India.

Also Read: Coffee, conservation, and Rainforest Alliance certification: opportunities for Indian coffee

Also Read: Wildlife in the Havukal – Warwick estates, Nilgiris: a field survey and inventory report. 

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Also Read: Bats in Indian coffee plantations: doing more good than harm?

Also Read: Bridging the gap: sharing responsibility for ecological restoration and wildlife conservation on private lands in the Western Ghats

Also Read: Our backyard wildlife: Challenges in coexisting with uneasy neighbours. [Guest Editorial]

Also Read: வளங்குன்றா விவசாயமும் பல்லுயிர்ப் பாதுகாப்பும் (Sustainable Agriculture and Biodiversity Conservation)

Also Read: காப்பிநல்லதா?டீநல்லதா? (On best practices in sustainable agriculture of Coffee and Tea)

Also Read: Bats in the Ghats: Agricultural intensification reduces functional diversity and increases trait filtering in a biodiversity hotspot in India

Also Read: Expanding nature conservation: considering wide landscapes and deep histories.