T R Shankar Raman

Scientist, Western Ghats

I like to imagine that I am a writer turned wildlife scientist turned writer, living in a landscape of rainforests and plantations in the Anamalai hills of southern India. As a wildlife scientist, I focus on the ecology and conservation of tropical forests and wildlife—especially rainforest plants, birds, and mammals—mainly in the Western Ghats. I write creative nonfiction and essays on nature and conservation for newspapers, magazines, and blogs, besides occasional book reviews and op-ed or feature articles.

My book The Wild Heart of India: Nature and Conservation in the City, the Country, and the Wild was published in 2019 by Oxford University Press, India. In 2018, I co-authored Pillars of Life: Magnificent Trees of the Western Ghats with Divya Mudappa (Illustrations by Nirupa Rao and Sartaj Ghuman).

As a participant in an open initiative called WikiProject Nature and Conservation in India, I have also been contributing media (my images, video and audio recordings) to Wikimedia Commons and editing Wikipedia pages related to nature and conservation in India. Here is my Wikipedia user page, and you can find my Wikimedia Commons photo gallery here (works in progress). I also like to read a fair bit and you can see what I am reading here.



Abandoned coffee plantation



Data from: Restoration opportunities beyond highly degraded tropical forests: insights from India’s Western Ghats

Species distribution models and range shifts



Distribution models predict climate-related range alteration or extinction of eleven threatened tropical rainforest trees in the Western Ghats

Abandoned coffee plantation

Journal Article


Restoration opportunities beyond highly degraded tropical forests: Insights from India's Western Ghats

Leaf flush in Garcinia gummi-gutta



Effects of sampling methodology on phenology indices: insights from sites across India and modelling

Annual census and tree measurement



Data from: Structure and dynamics of secondary and mature rainforests: insights from South Asian long-term monitoring plots

Annual census and tree measurement



Structure and dynamics of secondary and mature rainforests: insights from South Asian long-term monitoring plots

Guests Who Never Left



Guests Who Never Left

Canopy of mature rainforest in the core area of Dampa Tiger Reserve, Mizoram. (Photo: Zakhuma)



Data from: Canopy cover and ecological restoration increase natural regeneration of rainforest trees in the Western Ghats, India

Canopy of mature rainforest in the core area of Dampa Tiger Reserve, Mizoram. (Photo: Zakhuma)

Journal Article


Canopy cover and ecological restoration increase natural regeneration of rainforest trees in the Western Ghats, India

Dipterocarpus boudillonii flower and leaf



Data from: A new population record of Critically Endangered Dipterocarpus bourdillonii Brandis from the Anamalai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu

Dipterocarpus bourdillonii

Journal Article


A new population record of the Critically Endangered Dipterocarpus bourdillonii Brandis from the Anamalai Tiger Reserve, India

Flame-throated Bulbul



Data from: Active restoration fosters better recovery of tropical rainforest birds than natural regeneration in degraded forest fragments

Flame-throated Bulbul

Journal Article


Active restoration fosters better recovery of tropical rainforest birds than natural regeneration in degraded forest fragments

Tea plantation with native shade trees in the Anamalai Hills



Data from: Native shade trees aid bird conservation in tea plantations in southern India

Tea plantation with native shade trees in the Anamalai Hills

Journal Article


Native shade trees aid bird conservation in tea plantations in southern India

Great Hornbill female in flight

Journal Article


Hornbill abundance and breeding incidence in relation to habitat modification and fig fruit availability

Male Malabar Grey Hornbill



Data from: Hornbill abundance and breeding incidence in relation to habitat modification and fig fruit availability

Seed fates of four rainforest tree species in the fragmented forests of Anamalais in the southern Western Ghats, India

Journal Article


Seed fates of four rainforest tree species in the fragmented forests of Anamalais in the southern Western Ghats, India

Remnant rainforest fragment in the Anamalai hills



Data from: Effects of Habitat Structure and Adjacent Habitats on Birds in Tropical Rainforest Fragments and Shaded Plantations in the Western Ghats, India

Journal Article


When and how to study the nesting biology of Indian birds: Research needs, ethical considerations, and best practices

Journal Article


Guidelines for conducting research on the nesting biology of Indian birds

Male Malabar Grey Hornbill

Journal Article


Forest cover and fruit crop size differentially influence frugivory of select rainforest tree species in Western Ghats, India

Data from: Effects of restoration on tree communities and carbon storage in rainforest fragments of the Western Ghats, India



Data from: Effects of restoration on tree communities and carbon storage in rainforest fragments of the Western Ghats, India

Data from: Greater stability of carbon capture in species-rich natural forests compared to species-poor plantations



Data from: Greater stability of carbon capture in species-rich natural forests compared to species-poor plantations

Data from: Successional status, seed dispersal mode and overstorey species 
influence tree regeneration in tropical rain-forest fragments in Western
 Ghats, India



Data from: Successional status, seed dispersal mode and overstorey species influence tree regeneration in tropical rain-forest fragments in Western Ghats, India

Conservation biogeography in North-east India: hierarchical analysis of cross-taxon distributional congruence

Journal Article


Conservation biogeography in North-east India: hierarchical analysis of cross-taxon distributional congruence